Shed Sizes: There are basically three shed sizes: 8.5 m x 5.4 m, 8.0 m x 5.4 m, and 7.7 m x 5.6 m.
All sheds are 5 m high at the eave. All doors are 3.6m high and 4.0 m wide.
Shed areas: range from 43 m2 to 46 m2. With mezzanines, total unit areas range from 60m2 to 86m2.
Rates: Rates are $770 per month incl GST, plus metered electricity charge for the 43m2 sheds
$820 per month incl. GST, plus metered electricity charge for the 46m2 shed
from $880 per month incl.GST , plus metered electricity charges for the smaller mezzanine units
and up to $930 per month incl.GST , plus metered electricity for the larger mezzanine units.